When the electronic seal certificate that we have installed on the machines of the AOC Consortium expires for the use of some services that require it (eg: e-TAULER, e-NOTUM and Via Oberta-AEAT), it is necessary to only request the renewal through EACAT by following the steps in the following FAQ: How to request an Electronic Seal of the AOC?

    • You only need to make the renewal request and the AOC Consortium will upload the new certificate to all the services where the previous one (which expires) was uploaded, as long as it has the same name as the previous certificate that expires. If the name of the new certificate is not the same as the one that expires , you will have to send the service registration form again indicating that it is a modification and entering the data of the new certificate.
    • In the case of Via Oberta AEAT , the registration form must be sent again with the certificate data, following the FAQ: How to renew an Electronic Seal certificate to use Via Oberta's AEAT services .