The e-NOTUM service is integrated with Representa and from the public employee portal in EACAT, it is possible to query the representations available to the recipient of a notification and add them as additional recipients. Below we explain how to do it.

The notification is created in the usual way, through the employee portal.

At the time of adding the recipient, once it is saved, e-NOTUM consults the Representa database if there is a representation for that natural or legal person and if so, the icon appearsnt-4-edited.png

(In the capture we can see, for example, that Maria Rovira has no representatives and Joan Palomo, on the other hand, does, given that the icon appearsnt-4-edited.png)


If you want to send the notification to this representative, click on the iconnt-4-edited.png, this person's information is displayed and this person can be added as a recipient by pressing the button resume_2.png

(In the capture we can see that Juan Carlos Pérez is listed as a representative of Juan Palomo and we can add him as a representative by pressing "Add representatives")


The notification is sent to all three people, all sharing the same and therefore, the first to access it is considered to have been done.

(In the capture we can see that the notification is shared by the three recipients )


Anyway, the e-NOTUM citizenship portal is also integrated with Representa and therefore, when a person accesses the citizenship portal, Representa is queried and if they have valid representations, they are allowed to access them. You can consult more information about the operation at: How to view and open notifications acting as a representative?