Access management

This functionality allows each user of the e-NOTUM service to only have access to the notifications of the department to which they belong.

The user with the MANAGER role will be able to associate a person to a department. From that moment on, this person will only have access to the department to which they are associated. A person can belong to one or more than one department. The Manager role, in addition to assigning a person to a department, also assigns them a department by default

In the example below:

The user with NIF (fictitious) 23232323T can only access notifications from the (fictitious) Consorci Administración Oberta de Catalunya, Contracting and TEST departments.

When this user accesses EACAT to consult or create notifications and/or communications, he will initially be assigned to a department by default, among all those he may be assigned:

Default Department:

If you want to change department:

Personalization of the citizenship portal (logo and color palette)

The logo that appears on your institution's citizenship portal is the one listed in EACAT, and therefore, if you wish to change it, you will need to do so by accessing EACAT: Modify logo

The new citizenship portal offers a palette of colors to choose from to adapt it to the corporate colors. You can choose this by accessing: Configuration > Organism > Personalization of the ens

Edition palette colors.png

Personalization of e-mail and SMS templates

The e-mail and SMS templates are the same for all users of the service and therefore do not allow personalization, beyond their foot. The service allows you to customize the link to the support portal that appears there, as well as add a contact phone number. You can customize it by going to Settings > Organization > Notification Settings.

Notification settings.png

If you do not specify anything, the link to the AOC support portal will appear.

Customization of the resource body and foot templates

The user of the entity with manager permissions can access the "Configuration" section and create new resource feet from the "Resource foot" option.

You can see the list of Resource Footer and Notification Body that the entity has predefined and create new ones by pressing +. They can also be edited or deleted.

Creation of departments within our organization

e-NOTUM allows the creation of departments within the entity. When a new department is created within an organization, it inherits the characteristics of the parent and only needs to be configured: id Ens (which we can put whatever we want) and Certificate issued (which must be marked if the certificate has been issued to the AOC Consortium or the AOC Consortium will be used to sign the evidence)


Once a Department has been created, it cannot be deleted by the user. You can request the removal of a department through a support request, as long as this department has not issued any notification, if any notification has been issued the department cannot be deleted, as it would also imply that s 'delete the notification.

Management of back offices

New backoffices can be created by pressing + and editing the fields.

Management of the address book

The e-NOTUM service offers a recipient book that allows you to save the data of the usual recipients of the notifications made by the entity and, therefore, you avoid having to enter all the data of these recipients every time a notification is made new

To access this functionality, click Settings > Recipients in the left side menu, and this opens a new window that allows us to create New Recipients.

You need to click on the + symbol and this opens a new screen to enter the details of a new recipient.

You fill in the data and click save.

The screen also allows you to edit the Recipient's data or Delete it.

Once the recipient is created, it can be grouped into one or more groups if necessary.

You need to go to the left side menu Groups and a new screen opens. If it is prem + a new screen opens in order to create a new Group.

To add new recipients to the group, press the symbol next to the recipient (+person) and it is added to the group.

It is saved and the group appears in the list of created groups. Users will only be able to see recipients and user groups that have been created by departments that have access permissions.

Configuration of courtesy days

At the level of the AEAT there are "courtesy days", for which the interested party indicates a period of 30 days during which they are not notified; but this only applies to notifications in the area of the AEAT. It is regulated by a specific rule (RD 1363/2010, of 29 October), and there is no equivalent to the common administrative procedure regulation of the Public Administrations.

Without prejudice to the fact that eNOTUM does not cover the tax procedures of the AEAT, it is transparent to the recipients of the notifications and it would not make sense to allow it from the service because we do not interact with the interested parties (if we do not collect their consent to the practice of electronic notifications, we also do not consult about courtesy days).

In this sense, if one of us considers that he can institute courtesy days in the scope of his procedures, what he should do is to collect the consent of the interested party on his part and, in such case, refrain from practice the notification on the days indicated.

Notification settings for notifications status changes

You can download daily status change reports in the left side margin of EACAT, section "Daily report", indicating the specific day you need.

But if what you want is to receive daily reports automatically, you can inform several email addresses that will receive this report daily. It is necessary to access Configuration > Organizations > Activity eNOTUM > Reports by e-mail.

At the integration level, in addition to the option to configure state change callbacks, status reports can also be received from the same section, but from the option "Web Services integration reports"

Screen Reports for integration Web Services.png

Setting error warnings in notifications

You can configure the sending of e-mails or reports via integration. See how to set this up in: What emails are sent to the mailbox set as "Error notification email"?