This section shows how to create notifications and communications through the EACAT platform, accessing the e-NOTUM service. If you want to use your own systems, you must use the web services, requesting integration into the service (More information: How to integrate into the e-NOTUM?)

Access to e-NOTUM via EACAT

EACAT is the platform through which Catalan public administrations can access the e-NOTUM service.

To access it, you must first request registration for the e-NOTUM service at the AOC Consortium. Once the applicant and authorized users have been registered, they must identify themselves with a digital certificate or user/password on the EACAT platform and access the e-NOTUM service in the Applications tab.



From this point, we access the main screen of the e-NOTUM service. In the central part of the screen are all the notifications and communications made, with the following details:

  • Title of the notification or communication
  • reference
  • status
  • Creation date

On the left side, you can see a navigation menu with various contents that allows:

  • Create new notifications and communications
  • Perform searches
  • View the notifications made according to certain states
  • Modify service settings
  • Download the daily report
  • Manage notices


How to make a notification?

To make a new notification, you must go to the left side menu of the screen, and click on the blue +Send button


This will bring up a screen with 5 sections:

  • Type of shipment
  • Mandatory data
  • Additional data
  • Recipients
  • Shares

And 3 buttons:

  • templates
  • drafts
  • Come back


To create a notification or communication, you must follow these 4 points:

  1. Identify the submission as a notification or communication.
  2. Inform the mandatory data of the shipment.
  3. Report the optional data that is considered.
  4. Enter the recipients who should receive the shipment.

First of all, you need to identify the type of shipment you want to generate. For this reason, in the "Type of sending" section you will need to indicate whether you want to send a notification or a communication and depending on this the mandatory data requested for sending will be different.

In the "Mandatory data" section, you must inform the basic data of the notifications or communications. The departments to which the user belongs will appear as "Department".


Regarding the notification access level, see the following link: What access level is allowed to be set in a notification?

In the additional data section of the shipment we can modify certain parameters of the notification such as:

  • Language of notices (if created in different languages)
  • Channel: to identify whether the notification is an electronic notification or a supplementary notification to the paper notification
  • Term and number of notice reminders to be sent (by default a reminder is sent halfway through the term)
  • If you have already registered the notification, you can inform the registration number and the registration date so that the e-NOTUM does not register it again.
  • Notice template to use.
  • Annex documentation that accompanies the administrative act


In the Recipients section, you must include the recipients of the notification, which can be a natural person or a legal entity.

In the case of natural persons, you can check the option of "Subject obliged to electronic relationship" and in this way, it is not necessary to inform the contact details, if we do not have them.

physical person data.png

recipient persons.png

In the case of a legal person, the notification can be linked to a natural person.


If recipients have been defined in the Settings section, these can be used to include them in the shipments:


For example, in this case we have selected these two recipients of the shipment: capture_16.png

And if they are added to the shipment:


When more than one recipient is added, you have the option to check " Share a single notification " (by default it is unchecked). Check what functionality it has by accessing the following link: What is the use of the “Share a single notification” functionality

If recipient groups have been defined, these can be used to include them in shipments:


For example, in this case we have selected this group of recipients:


And if the group is added to the shipment:


Once the shipment details have been reported, the shipment can then be published on the eNOTUM citizen portal, by clicking on the "Send" button.

It is possible that the shipment being reported cannot be completed at this time and should be saved for completion at a later time. In this case, it can be saved as "Draft".

Another possibility is that the shipment being reported is a shipment that periodically repeats itself. For these cases, it can be saved as a template and reused as many times as needed.

The "Clean" button is used to clear all fields of the notification.

How to make a supplementary notification?

In the drop-down list, you must mark the check for "Paper and electronic notification (complementary)"

capture_22-1.png If you mark this "check", it means that you have sent the citizen the notification on paper, as well as electronically.

Remember that the practical date of the notification will be the one that is practiced first, the paper one or the electronic one (complementary)

How long will the supplementary notification remain at the headquarters of the entity?

The e-NOTUM has a defined maximum time for the citizen to practice it of 180 days. Yes and nothing is indicated, by default it is 90 days in the case of complementary services.

Which data, for the notice, is mandatory?

There is no mandatory notice data for additional notifications and they can be sent without indicating either an email address or a phone number.

How can I find the notifications I've marked as additional?

In the advanced search, you'll find a field where you can refine your search based on whether it's a notification that was also sent on paper.


How to practice a complementary notification?

To practice a complementary notification that has been accepted by the face-to-face channel, once the specific notification has been searched and identified, in the lower right side margin, you will find the "Practice a notification" option.

How do I consult the details of the notifications made?

From the main screen, you can consult the details of any notification or electronic communication made, by clicking on its title:

capture_2.png A new window will then open with all the details of the notification or communication. In the upper right part of the screen, when the notification has already been consulted by the citizen or the company, or the deadline for consulting it has expired, the PDF of evidence is enabled, which is the electronic document that serves the administration as proof that the notification has been made, in case it is necessary to demonstrate this before a court:

Can I delete a notification?

It cannot be deleted, but it can be canceled according to this procedure: Cancellation of electronic notifications

How can I search and filter notifications made?

On the left of the screen you can see a user navigation menu that allows you to search for notifications and communications made according to different criteria.


First, you can search for notifications and communications according to their status, by clicking on one of the following statuses:

  • All : Loads all notifications sorted by registration date
  • In transit : Loads all notifications that have not yet been deposited
  • Deposited : loads all the notifications that have been deposited, but which the citizen has not yet viewed. These notifications are sorted by registration date
  • Viewed : Loads all notifications that have been viewed by the recipient
  • Accepted : Loads all notifications that have been accepted by the recipient
  • Rejected : loads all notifications that are in the states of: Rejected without access and Rejected without action. In this case, the acceptance date will be displayed instead of the registration date
  • Error : Paginated list of all notifications that are in error state

Secondly, you can search for notifications and communications by title or by clicking on "advanced" for different fields.


Notification notice reminders

When creating a notification, the issuing body can customize the days on which a reminder will be sent to the recipient by email or SMS (if the mobile phone has been informed) within the deadline to read the notification.

If nothing is defined in this section, by default e-NOTUM will send a reminder to the recipient in the middle of the term. If defined, the reminder days must be indicated separated by (;).

What is involved in adding people linked to business notifications?

In the event that the recipient of the notification is a legal entity, e-NOTUM allows the addition of a related person.

In practice, the notification will therefore have two recipients, the legal person and the natural person who has been linked to it, and notices of availability will be sent to both people (if contact details have been included in the notification ).

The notification may be accepted, therefore, by the natural person or by the legal person. In this sense, and depending on the level of access defined in the notification, it may be accepted, identifying as a natural person (single-use code, idCAT Mobile, natural person certificate, etc.) or person legal (single-use code or representative certificate).

What level of access is allowed to be set in a notification?

3 access levels are defined for notifications, so that citizens and companies can access them:

  • LOW : They can access using any of the available mechanisms for authenticating to e-NOTUM, including idCAT Internet-obtained mobile, e-NOTUM own password, and basic-level Cl@ve PIN, with registration based on sending a code by post to the user's address.
  • SUBSTANTIAL : they can access with any mechanism with the exception of those categorized as LOW, that is, they can access with idCAT Mobile accredited with certificate, in person or video identification, Cl@ve PIN with in-person registration or with digital certificate, Cl@ve Permanente or Certificates advanced signature qualified digitals (in software). Examples: idCAT, TCAT-P, FNMT of Physical Person.
  • ALT : They can access only with high-level categorized mechanisms, that is, qualified certificates of qualified electronic signature (on secure device of creation of qualified signature). Examples: DNIe, T-CAT.

This level is set when the notification is created.

More information: Selection of electronic signature and identification mechanisms

Can foreign phones be notified?

e-NOTUM accepts foreign phone numbers and sends an SMS alert to them. The web service specifically takes the following steps with this command in order to validate phones:

  • Normalize your phone:
    • If there is a + character on the phone, replace it with 00.
    • If the phone starts with 0034, remove those characters because it is the prefix for Spain.
    • If no prefix is given, it is treated as a Spanish phone
  • Validate your phone:
Are the recipient's email and phone number required or optional?

e-NOTUM currently allows you to create notifications reporting the phone number and email address as notification data. If this data is reported, an SMS and/or email is sent.

In the case of the need or not to report this data, this logic is followed:

  • It is mandatory to report an e-mail address or a telephone number if the recipient is a natural person and the notification is only by electronic means
  • It is optional to report an e-mail address or a telephone number in the event that:
    • The recipient is a natural person and the notification is also sent via the paper channel (complementary notification)
    • The recipient is a natural person but obliged to relate to public administrations electronically
    • The recipient is a legal person and therefore obliged to relate to public administrations electronically

Type and size of annexes

The size of them depends on the way in which they are attached. You can check the details in the technical documentation of the service.

The types of documents are the following:

Document type name Document type extension
XML document XML
RTF document RTF
PPTX document PPTX
PPT document ppt
XLSX document XLSX
XLS document XLS
ZIP document ZIP
TXT document TXT
MMZ document MMZ
OpenOffice document ODT
DOCX document DOCX
iCalendar document ICS
Document DOC DOC
PDF document PDF

If the format of the attached document is not in this list, an error will occur and the notification cannot be generated.

In relation to the main document of the notification, the administrative act, we recommend that it be a document in pdf format and that it is accessible, in order to be previewed on the citizenship portal and accessible by any user. In this regard, you can obtain more information about accessible documents at: