What does “Unrecoverable error in registration phase” mean in e-NOTUM?

This error occurs because, for some reason, it was not possible to make the exit settlement in the entity.

It can be caused by several reasons, if you are getting this message we recommend that you visit our blog " Service Status AOC " to find out if there is any incident that could be the cause. Once resolved, the requests will be relaunched so that they are registered correctly.

In the event that there is no incident reported on our blog, you must also bear in mind that if you have a unified record with your own, it could be an incident in your record. In this case, it would be advisable to contact your technicians.

If the error persists, please contact us to let us know and we will review the case.

What does “Unrecoverable error in signature phase” mean in e-NOTUM?

This error occurs because for some reason related to the signature of the notification it was not possible to send it.

It can be caused by several reasons, if you are getting this message we recommend that you visit our blog " Status of services AOC " to find out if there is any incident that could be the cause, usually it would be an incident related to the PSIS of the AOC Consortium. Once resolved, the requests will be relaunched so that they are registered correctly.

In the event that there is no incident detected, another possibility is that the certificate you gave us to sign the evidence of the notification has expired, has been revoked.. Talk to the person in charge of the certification service of your institution who can help check it. Keep in mind that the AOC Consortium sends several reminders before a certificate expires, both to the person in charge of the Certification service and to the person indicated in the e-NOTUM registration as the person responsible for the registration of the service.

In case it is expired, you can visit the following content:

How to renew an Electronic Seal certificate to use the services of the AOC Consortium?

If the error persists, please contact us to let us know and we will review the case.

What emails are sent to the mailbox defined as “Error notification email”?

In the Configuration > Organization section (point 5: Activity e-NOTUM) you can define an email address in the field: Error notification email.

Errors that occur in the notification lifecycle (failed to register or deposit or expire) will be sent to this mailbox, as well as errors in sending state changes to built-in applications (if applicable).

This mailbox is customizable. If no specific address is defined, e-NOTUM defaults to the same address that daily reports are sent to.

Mailbox activity e-NOTUM